Education and gnuLinEx

Differences when using it with thin clients


Very recently, ControlAula has support to work in a thin clients environment using the LTSP project configuration. Due to the special caracteristics of such environment, there are some inherent differences between this kind of environment and an average workstations lab.
There are also limitations, some of them will be removed in the future, but today they are still here


    There are two main limitations:


    Main differences are related to the way the application starts inside the ltsp clients, so this information is just for admins to know how the application behaves, but it's not useful for end users. Users (teachers and students) will work the same when using ControlAula in a thin client environment or in a workstation environment (with the exception of the above limitations).  

Application manuals

Last modification on 27th May, 2008 Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional Document made with Nvu